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A Fresh Take on Spring Cleaning

I, like many of you take part in what is known as “spring cleaning.” Part of the lure in spring cleaning is renewing the energy in your home through purging and cleansing. Although I love this annual practice, I realized that having a clean organized space is great, but its benefits cannot be fully realized if our minds are still cluttered with “junk.” Having a clean space and a clear mind is a wonderful way to embrace the spring season. To support you in your process of creating balance and renewal this spring, I have a few prompts to help you evaluate your thoughts. Work through each prompt one at a time as they build upon each other. If you find you want to continue this process on a deeper level or need customized support in navigating your thoughts we would be happy to connect with you. Go to the connect page to schedule a consultation.

Become Aware of Your Thoughts.

What do you spend time thinking about? What thoughts occupy your mind most frequently? Are your thoughts positive, negative or both? You could become aware of your thoughts by journaling and examining the content of your entries. Or you could choose to check in with yourself on your way home from work or as you wind down for the day.

 Complete Temperature Check.

Our thoughts are central to our emotions and behaviors. Therefore, taking time to check your emotional thermometer is essential. You could ask yourself questions such as, “how am I feeling today”, “have I been feeling angry, sad, disappointed, anxious, drained”, “have I been feeling uplifted, peaceful, calm, joyful?” You can continue your check in by reflecting on your behaviors. Has staying in bed all day become more appealing? Have you been isolating more from family and friends? Have you been short or snappy in your interactions? Becoming aware of your thoughts and then examining your feelings and behaviors can give insight into your mental space.

Reinforce Balanced Thoughts.

Now that you’ve become aware of your thoughts and completed your temperature check, you want to cultivate balanced thoughts that contribute to balanced emotions and helpful behavior. Two of the ways you can balance our thoughts is by (1) focusing on things you can control and (2) evaluating yourself fairly. You can do this by practicing gratitude, highlighting your wins of the day and not just your losses. You could also list and validate your strengths and acknowledge your imperfection(s) as what makes you human. Additionally, looking at the full picture keeps you from zooming in on perceived shortcomings and allows you to see other aspects contributing to current circumstances.

Our fresh take on spring cleaning was developed to help you experience the full benefits of spring cleaning. Renewal, clarity, and balance await. We came across a quote that we will leave you to ponder as you embark upon spring cleaning.

“Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.”